The Better Together Blog

6 Benefits of Working With a Staffing Service for Hiring Employees

Written by Dan Barnett, President/CEO | Jun 30, 2022 3:00:00 PM

In today’s labor market, candidates seem to have the upper hand. It can be challenging for companies of all sizes to find employees. If you are an employer who has struggled with hiring, outsourcing the process could be in your team’s best interest. 

Agencies help with both temporary and contract staffing as well as recruitment and permanent placements. This process includes:

  • Copy editing job descriptions.
  • Posting job listings on various online forums.
  • Attracting top talent and screening qualified candidates.
  • Scheduling interviews with key decision-makers.
  • Placing candidates in roles that align with their goals and the needs of the employer.

Read on to understand the six advantages you will have as an employer when you turn to the experts. 

6 Advantages of Hiring Employees Via a Staffing Service 

#1. Fewer Administrative Tasks

At the start of every great hire is a handful of administrative tasks. This is a heavy lift for any team member, especially for those working as a small team. If your business is negatively impacted by the time it takes for your team to sift through resumes, check references, and schedule phone interviews, it may be time to consult with a staffing service. 

In just one year, America’s staffing services hire 16 million temporary and contract employees. Agencies can accomplish this feat because of their extensive databases and unique skill sets, which enable them to match prospective candidates with jobs that fit their needs. 

In a report published by the Society of Human Resources Management, it was found that the average time-to-fill is over five weeks. 

Could your team use that time back?

#2. Access to Passive Candidates

“Where is everyone?” 

If there’s one question that’s top of mind for employers today, it’s this one. The popularity of gig work and a preference for remote work, among other trends, have both contributed to fewer job seekers actively looking for opportunities. 

In a tight employee market, it can be difficult to find candidates who are qualified and interested in an open position. Working with a staffing service gives your organization access to the wide range of job seekers they connect with on a regular basis. 

#3. Shortened Onboarding Period

Finding employees whose skills align with your role requirements is essential to a smooth onboarding process. It’s important to remember that onboarding is not a single event and it’s not just one task. An onboarding process that is efficient, effective, and engaging will make or break your employee’s experience.

Allow a staffing service to handle all the onboarding paperwork regarding taxes, waivers, and screenings, saving you time, money, and effort.

#4. Optimized Job Listings

Optimizing a job listing can help ensure the correct candidates find your open position. They’ll be attracted to your post because the compensation is on-par, the description has piqued their interest, and the title is descriptive and interesting. Companies that don’t often hire (or don’t specialize in hiring) may not be aware of current market standards. Don’t be caught in a hiring stalemate because your job listing isn’t cutting it. Instead, leave it to the professionals.

#5. Streamlined Termination Process

Did you know that employees hired by staffing services are employees of the staffing service? Because of this, it makes separation easier if they are not the right fit or the need no longer exists within your organization. 

#6.  Lower Risk “Audition Period”

Have you ever wished you could let an employee simply audition for a role? Wouldn’t it be great if you could get a feel for their quality of work and see how they fit in with your team culture? 

Great news—staffing services can help you do just that. The employer risk is reduced tremendously when you bring on temporary staffing. If an employee is a good fit, the employer has the option to extend a permanent opportunity. And, if it’s not, everyone can part ways amicably.

Working with a staffing service has plenty of proven benefits, and we’ve only touched on a few above! 

Inova Staffing has offered industry-leading staffing services for decades. To find out if working with us is right for you, contact us today for a complimentary evaluation. 

Remember, it’s never too late to start streamlining your hiring process—saving time and money is just the icing on the cake.

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