The Better Together Blog

What Does Your Email Sign-Off Say About You?

Written by Laura Knaak, COO | Jan 11, 2024 4:02:00 PM

The closing words of an email might seem like an afterthought. However, they carry more weight than we often realize. 

Think about it: The way you conclude an email can leave a lasting impression, influencing how your message is received, and even hinting at your professional demeanor and personality. Email sign-offs are strategic tools that can either strengthen or weaken your professional relationships.  

Below, we delve into the nuances of this seemingly small but vital aspect of workplace communication. Continue reading to discover how mastering your email sign-off can positively impact your first impressions, communication effectiveness, and overall professionalism in the workplace. 

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Formal vs. Informal Common Email Sign-Offs 

Understanding the nuances between formal and informal email sign-offs is key to making the right impression in your emails.  

In the realm of business communications, formal sign-offs like "Sincerely" or "Yours truly" are typically reserved for more serious, respectful, and often initial exchanges. They convey a sense of professionalism and distance, suitable for situations like job applications, important client communications, or when addressing senior colleagues.  

On the flip side, informal sign-offs such as "Best regards," "Thanks," or "Cheers" are better suited for established working relationships or when exchanging ideas and updates with colleagues and acquaintances.  

The distinction between these two categories may seem subtle, but it's essential to strike the right balance to maintain a respectful yet approachable tone in your workplace emails. 

4 Steps to Enhance Your Email Sign-Off 

The journey to mastering the art of email sign-offs is a path of continuous improvement. Follow these four steps to enhance yours today:

1. Make It Personal

While adhering to the conventions of formal and informal email sign-offs is crucial, the art of personalization is where the true finesse lies in crafting your email conclusion. In a workplace setting, personalization demonstrates a genuine and thoughtful approach to communication.  

For instance, using a formal sign-off like "Best regards" with a close colleague whom you interact with daily might inadvertently convey a sense of impersonality or even detachment. Instead, opting for a warmer sign-off like "Warmly," "Take care," or even just your first name can help maintain the rapport you've built with that colleague.  

Conversely, if you're reaching out to a new client or someone you've had minimal contact with, using a more traditional sign-off may be a safer choice to establish professionalism. The key is to always consider your recipient and the context of the email when selecting the most appropriate sign-off to ensure that your message is not only respectful but also engaging and well-suited to the relationship. 

2. Utilize the Signature Block

Often positioned at the end of your emails, the signature block serves as an efficient way to provide crucial contact information and professional titles. A well-structured signature block typically includes your full name, job title, company name, contact phone number, email address, and often, a link to your company website.  

These details make it easier for recipients to identify and reach out to you and also reinforce your professional identity. Additionally, it can be particularly beneficial when corresponding with clients, collaborators, or new contacts, who may need your contact information for follow-up or reference.  

So, while your email sign-off adds the final touch to your message, your signature block provides the essential business context that allows recipients to connect with you or learn more about your role and organization. 

3. Avoid Over-Used and Cliché Sign-Offs 

Sign-offs like "Yours truly" or "Looking forward to your response" have become so commonplace that they can come across as insincere and lackluster. Originality and authenticity are key to making a positive impression.  

Instead of relying on these tired clichés, consider crafting a sign-off that reflects your genuine appreciation, interest, or respect for the recipient and the specific context of your email. You may consider the following: 

"I appreciate your insights and look forward to our continued collaboration." 


"Thank you for your time and consideration. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this proposal."  

By doing so, you can stand out in a sea of routine communications and create more memorable and meaningful connections. 

4. Consider Your Tone

The choice of email sign-off tone is a subtle yet potent tool that can either enhance or mitigate the impact of your words.  

Consider this scenario: You need to provide constructive feedback to a colleague or employee. A formal sign-off like "Sincerely" at the end might reinforce the seriousness of the message, potentially making it come across as overly critical or cold. However, opting for a warmer sign-off, such as "Looking forward to your thoughts" or "With appreciation for your hard work," can soften the tone and convey a sense of collaboration and understanding.  

In contrast, when your email contains positive news, recognition, or encouragement, a friendly and upbeat sign-off can reinforce the overall positive tone of your message. Therefore, the choice of your email sign-off should align with the emotional undertone of your message, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the clarity and nuance of your communication in the workplace. 

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